Introducing our new Swedish Dish cloths in our shop! These have been a staple in Swedish kitchens for over 60 years. We can't wait for you to try them!
These cloths can be used for up to 6 months and can be washed multiple times. This plant-based sponge cloth can absorb up to 3/4 of a cup of liquids, it's perfect to clean up water and tea spills, dry dishes and pots, as well as wipe counter tops and other surfaces. It can replace the use of up to 17 rolls of paper towel and can be composted easily which makes it the most economical and zero waste solution!
When done washing your dishes or cleaning please let dry fully to avoid any musty smell. After 3 uses you can wash it in your regular washing machine. Try and avoid using any fabric softener and let it flat dry rather then putting it in the dryer.